10 Outdoor Activities for Children


It’s springtime and what better way to enjoy the weather than to enjoy time outside with your kids!  They will soak up that Vitamin D and avoid sitting in front of the video game console for hours.

Here is your to do list:

  1. Take a nice nature hike or throw a frisbee at one of our many fine parks in Hendricks County.  
  2. Go on a scavenger hunt to see who can spot different items first.  For example a flower, a pine cone, a bumblebee, someone walking their dog, a seed, a squirrel, etc.
  3. Try to construct a house out of 20 items you find outside. 
  4. Find an inspiring location and paint or draw a masterpiece. You could each complete a part of one artwork or make your own individual works of art.
  5. Discover which trail you like best on a bike ride to the nearest ice cream shop.
  6. Start a garden.  Pick out your favorite fruits and veggies and get planting!
  7. Play a game or two of HORSE.
  8. Invite other neighborhood kids to create a sidewalk chalk mural, play hopscotch, or just to play on the swings.
  9. Make homemade smoothies or popsicles and enjoy them on a sunny day.  This website can get you started: http://laurasbestrecipes.com/2010/07/100-homemade-popsicle-recipes.html
  10. Wait for a windy day and let your kite soar!

Print off your to do list and get going!  If it’s a rainy day or you have already completed these activities you could always come visit the library!  There are a wide variety of programs for all ages so don’t forget to register or drop in!

Emily enjoying Hummel Park’s twister slide!
