Watch for these New Books this Season

If you have “cabin fever” you will enjoy the new books coming out. Books by Lisa Kleypas and J.D. Robb should please their readers. Kleypas’s book Crystal Cove continues the Friday Harbor series and Robb’s book Calculated In Death continues the In Death series. So both romance readers and mystery readers should enjoy these. Other new books are The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult once again Picoult writes about a dilemma when an old man asks Sage Singer to kill him and tells her of the heinous crime he has committed. Sage is faced with the decision of whether someone can ever redeem themselves or do they deserve to die. This will be a fascinating can’t-put-down read.

Other new books include The First Prophet by Kay Hooper, The Black Box by Michael Connelly, and Touch and Go by Lisa Gardner. So make some hot chocolate and light the fire and settle down with a good book. Enjoy the “wintery” evenings.

Check our catalog for these new and soon-to-be published books to ensure you’re the first to get a copy!

Short Stories and Novellas

Nobody ever says they want to write the great American short story. Or the great American novella. It’s the novel, always the novel. 

This is a shame. These literary forms – the short story and the novella – can be every bit as powerful and carry the same literary punch as their larger cousins. Furthermore, these forms are a great way to fit some reading into your busy schedule. Short stories are also good ways to explore genres or authors you’ve always wondered about but were never quite able to get around to.

Here are some suggestions if you don’t know where to start.  

The library recently acquired some new editions of Richard Russo’s short stories. These stories are bound individually and are easy to overlook in the stacks – they are so small! Thirty or forty short pages, you can knock one of these out in one sitting easily.

Still not sure about George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series? Check out his “Tales of Dunk and Egg”, set several years before the events of the novels.

Not ready to commit to an 800 page screamer by Stephen King? Try some of the stuff in Everything’s Eventual – a nice mix of horror and more literary stories.

Maybe you’d like to try an up-and-coming modern writer. Karen Russell’s St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised By Wolves is full of surrealist character driven stories. 

Finally, one of my favorite books – A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller – is actually three novellas combined into a single work, tying together in a grand epic.



Follow us on Pinterest

Pinterest! It’s all the rage lately, and we’re happy to finally be joining in the fun!

If you haven’t already  stumbled into the Pinterest craze, let me fill you in: Pinterest is basically an online set of your own, personalized and organized bulletin boards. Think of it this way: do you tend to clip pictures and articles out of magazines, or recipes, or newspaper articles then save them to be lost forever in a drawer? Pinterest is a way to organize these things for yourself and to browse what others are clipping, or pinning.

The vast array of ideas people are finding are evident everywhere! Just this week someone asked me about some garlic monkey bread I brought to a potluck dinner. When asked where I found the recipe, I responded simply, “Pinterest.”

Now your favorite library (that’s us!) is on Pinterest, too! Find us at We’ve got pin boards for movies, music, and books we love, as well as boards for money saving, John Green stuff, tech tips & tricks… the list goes on, and just keeps growing! We invite you to follow us and enjoy our pins, and we’ll follow you back so we can enjoy your favorite things, too 🙂

Check out a few of our pinteresting Pinterest boards…

Writing to an Author

Do you ever read such an awesome book you feel you just have to tell the author how much you loved their work? Yeah? Then go ahead and do it! Believe it or not, authors love to hear from you.

Recently, one of the employees here wrote to an author she’d been thoroughly enjoying, and well, it paid off! Check it out below.


From: Theresa
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2012 8:51 AM
To: Kristan Higgins
Subject: Thank you…

I haven’t finished the book “All I ever wanted”, yet, because I stop and laugh uproariously at the characters.  But just wanted to say I am thoroughly enjoying my first book.  I will definitely be reading the rest of your books.  Thank you for a breath of fresh air in the Contemporary romance genre. Please don’t ever write those awful vampire books.  Just kidding, I would read one by you it would be fantastic.


“Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
— Dr. Seuss


From: Kristan Higgins
To: Theresa
Sent: Sat, June 23, 2012 6:45:54 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you…
Thanks, Theresa! So far, no vampires…I really can’t imagine writing one of those. No sparkling here. No scintillating arms (the phrase at which I stopped reading Twilight).

You quote my favorite author of all time! He’s got a shout-out in my upcoming book…

Hope you like all the other books, and thank you so much for writing!


New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author