Zinio: Get Magazines on Your Device or Computer

Love magazines? So do I! I tend to be a clutter-keeper, though, and thus have to limit what I subscribe to. Even now I can turn just to my right and see a stack of about 20 magazines I just can’t toss. Are you the same way? Another flaw feature of mine is that I have a ton of interests. If I could have my way I’d subscribe to about 15 magazines. First: who has that kind of money? But also, again, the space issue… I also tend to be an on-the-go type of person. I rarely find time to sit at home and read anymore, what with my job, my kids (and one on the way!) and my school. But I do often find myself on a lunch break or in a dentist’s office with nothing to read.

Thankfully, the library now offers a service that solves all of these problems for me, and I think you’ll enjoy it, too…..

Zinio is the library’s latest addition to our already-awesome collection of services. If you haven’t heard of it already, let me explain: Zinio provides access to tons of magazine subscriptions. The best part? Your library foots the bill! That’s right: now you can get tons of magazine subscriptions for free  right on your iPad/Nook/Kindle/computer screen/smartphone.

Ready to try it out? Here’s how!

  1. Click the Zinio button on the library’s homepage, *or* click the banner below to register, or visit rbdg.envionsoftware.com/plainfieldguilfordin/zinio
  2. Choose the magazines you’d like to read on your device (each title will open in a new tab or window; be sure to switch back to the library’s Zinio page)
  3. Register with the Zinio company (it’s easiest to just use the same information you used to register with the library’s Zinio page)
  4. Download the Zinio app on your device (it’s free!) or computer… find the list of apps that best suit you here: www.zinio.com/apps/index.jsp
  5. Start enjoying magazines on your device!

Enjoy your favorite magazines for free, courtesy of your library. Keep in mind that the paper copies we have available in the library are not going anywhere 🙂 This is just another way to enjoy magazines. Zinio is adding new titles all the time, so check back for new additions often!
